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Thank you for joining us this morning!

We are so thankful you are here! 

We believe God has you here today for a reason!

Our prayer is that each one of us would hear God’s voice, be open to the Holy Spirit and transformed to live more like Jesus as we follow him into the world! May it be so!


This week is a Family Worship Sunday!


Children and their families will worship in the sanctuary together! We have Children’s Worship Bulletins and crayons available for both older and younger kids. They are full of activities and coloring space to help our young worshippers connect with this morning’s worship and message!


The nursery will be open for parents who want to sit with their kids during the service (we won’t have volunteers working in there this week.)


Most of all, we want you to know how glad we are to worship with you and your family today! You are welcome here!


Please Pray...

Please pray for Pastor Kory as he leads us! And please continue to pray for Elda and Rudy in Wisconsin - for healing, peace, rest and hope for Elda as she is dealing with continued chronic pain Praise God - Rudy found a job and Elda now has good health insurance!


Please pray for a family who are friends of the Heals. Three of their children attend the Christian school near Madison WI where the shooting took place. Their son was in the next door classroom during the shooting and the teacher killed was their friend and attended their church. The victims were friends with their kids. Please be praying for mom and dad, Chris and Mary, as well as their kids, Elizabeth, Evan and Emma - and for their community and their church as they grapple with the aftermath of this tragedy. Lord have



Cathy, a friend of Margaret Burrows, lost her only son to an accident last month. Please pray for her and her husband!


Alissa has asked us to pray for her nephew, who found out that he has a form of blood cancer. Let's be praying for healing and for his family!


Bill Caldwell’s Aunt Kathy lost her father this past week - and their family has grieved many losses this year! Pray for God’s comfort and peace for all of them as they grieve. Please continue to pray for healing for Bill’s back, as well!


Pat Stevenson passed away last month. Pray for God’s comfort for Gary and the family!


Pastor John Kostelyk who is the pastor at Rudyard Christian Reformed Church. He is currently undergoing cancer treatment. Please pray for his healing and God's provision to help with increasing medical bills.


Please pray for a friend of a church member who needs healing, sobriety, and strength.

 WEDNESDAYS - 6:00pm-7:00pm

Wednesday Night Bible studies will resume this week, September 11 from 6-7pm! We have groups for children, students and adults. Come and grow with us as we seek God in Scripture together. Everyone is welcome!


This Wednesday we will be celebrating out heritage as Americans and as followers of Christ. Be prepared to share about your heritage and culture!


Would you be willing to serve one Sunday a month in our nursery as part of our volunteer team? This vital ministry is a great resource to the families of our church by providing a safe, loving environment for our youngest worshippers while mom, dad, grandma, grandpa worship in the sanctuary. We need one more volunteer who would be willing to serve in this way! If you are interested, please talk to Pastor Kory (!

Christmas Cookies


Thank you to all those who provided the delicious snacks during Advent this year! You helped provide a wonderful time to visit with our church family while enjoying some delectable treats! Thank you for serving us!




Thank you for your generosity and kindness in providing Christmas gifts to Angel Tree families this year! We were able to give gifts to 19 children from 14 different families in our area who have a parent who is incarcerated in Michigan this Christmas. Thank you for sharing Christ's love in such a tangible way! What a wonderful way to honor Jesus, the

one who has given so much for us! Thank you for being the church in the Eastern U.P.!

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If you are interested in learning more about baptism or if God is calling you to take this step of faith, Pastor Kory would LOVE to talk to you (! Our next baptism service will be on December 22. Let's celebrate what God is doing in us!

TODAY, December 22nd


Every year, we receive a Thanksgiving Offering that goes to support the work of the Church of the Nazarene around the world! With the busyness of November, we forgot to announce the offering this year! So we will receive our Thanksgiving offering on Christmas Sunday this year! Sunday, December 22, all contributions marked "Thanksgiving Offering" will support the global work of the church. Thank you for your generosity (and your patience with a sometimes forgetful pastor)!




DECEMBER 24TH - 6:00PM-7:00PM


We hope you and your family can join us for a wonderful time of music and Scripture as we celebrate the arrival of Christ! This is a great opportunity to invite a friend or family member as we worship Jesus together! Hope to see you here!

Church Candles

December 31, 2024

If you would like to make a year end contribution to support the ministries of New Horizons, please make sure your gift is received by December 31 so it can be included on your 2024 giving statement. Thank you for your generosity in providing the resources needed for ministry!



Would you be willing to serve one Sunday a month in our nursery as part of our volunteer team? This vital ministry is a great resource to the families of our church by providing a safe, loving environment for our youngest worshippers while mom, dad, grandma, grandpa worship in the sanctuary. We need one more volunteer who would be willing to serve in this way! If you are interested, please talk to Pastor Kory (!


January 26, 12-3 pm


Ever wonder what the Church of the Nazarene is about? Want to know more about what it means to be part of New Horizons? Where God is leading this church? What it means to be a member? On Sunday January 26, right after the worship service, Pastor Kory will lead a New Horizons 101 discussion when we will be answering questions just like these! Everyone is welcome to join us as we talk about who we are and what God is doing among us. Free lunch and childcare will be provided! To help us prepare, please RSVP by writing your name, how many will be attending and "New Horizons 101" on a Welcome Card and putting it in the offering plate. You can also email Pastor Kory at!


December 22, 2024


Greeters:  Adella Huyck

Counters: Elizabeth Ygeal & Margaret Burrows

Worship Service (in person and online): family worship: our children will stay with us in the Sancturary during the service.

Nursery: open for parents to be with their children

Family Worship: our children will stay with us in the sanctuary during the service



Community Women's Bible Study



Come join us! There will be groups for adults, youth, and children!

January 5, 2025


Greeters:  Tom Conroy

Counters: Elizabeth Ygeal & Margaret Burrows

Worship Service (in person and online): family worship: our children will stay with us in the Sancturary during the service.

Nursery: open for parents to be with their children

Family Worship: our children will stay with us in the sanctuary during the service


Parsonage Mortgage Donation = $1,000.00 (not included above)
Alabaster Offering = $469.06 (not included above)

Remaining mortgage balance: PAID OFF! PRAISE GOD!

Thank you for your faithful giving to God’s work!

Remember this:
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have already decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Would you be willing to share photos or artwork with the church for the Sunday bulletin?

Click below to email images to Kelly Harman



This week’s photo is by Emily Hyde


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